Taking a Stand on Indian Land
OUR VISION: The Indian Land Working Group empowers grassroots individual Indian allottees/landowners to keep the indigenous and ancestral spiritual connection to the land forever. Your support and contributions enable us to meet our goals and improve our landowner’s future. Your generous, tax-deductible donation directly funds our mission.
Our Mission
On behalf of and in support of individual allottees/landowners, the ILWG strategizes and promotes the continuance of responsible trust land ownership with grassroots individual Indians. We strive to act as advocates through spiritual dialogue by ensuring access to individual and community resources that result in opportunities to speak with a united voice in the defense and protection of ancestral homelands. We provide education through symposiums, social media networking, training, and working groups.
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Press Release
From Austin Nunez, Indian Land Working Group President October 9, 2020 The Indian Land Working Group received a grant from the Indian Land Tenure Foundation. Though the 2020 ILWG Symposium was canceled due to the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic, we are committed to our...
Video: Oil Drilling on Ancient Sacred Grounds in Navajo Lands
A look back with Marcella Giles, ILWG Vice-President, at the issues facing the Navajo when oil companies drill on ancient sacred grounds, in 2015. Please subscribe to our Youtube channel here.
Indianz.com: Taos Pueblo Celebrates Return of Ancestral Land
50-YEAR Anniversary of the Return of Blue Lake to Taos Pueblo via taospueblo.com: On December 15, 1970, former President Richard M. Nixon signed into effect Public Law 91-550, approved in a bipartisan manner by the United States Congress. In speaking of the Bill’s...